Clive Barda/ArenaPAL
Gustav Leonhardt began to explore the historical harpsichord and its repertory in the 1940s, when 'early music' interested only a few isolated performers and musicologists. His search for the sounds of a forgotten musical world convinced only a few at first, then touched a widening public, and finally led him to international celebrity. Throughout his long career Leonhardt played and directed innumerable recitals and concerts, was named Doctor honoris causa at Harvard University, and received the prestigious Erasmus Prize. For more about Gustav Leonhardt, click HERE.
The Archive is a digital collection of primary-source material about Gustav Leonhardt’s teaching. Through the years, he welcomed some 150 harpsichord students into his Conservatory class in Amsterdam and gave numerous masterclasses and summer courses.
As important performers and teachers, many of his students have since shaped the historically informed performance (HIP) movement that flourishes world-wide.
In various languages, they have shared their reminiscences here with readers, viewers and listeners.

Huis Bartolotti, Amsterdam, where most students received their lessons. Alf van Beem/wikimedia commons
The public can view the website’s general information pages through this free-access online portal. Viewers can also access Contributors’ archived materials. Many of these are available as PDF downloads.
Your donation will help the Gustav Leonhardt Pedagogy Archive to remain a freely accessible research resource that can be continually improved and extended. We maintain an up-to-date list of donors on this website.
If you are a former student and wish to participate, please contact the Editorial Board. You will be asked to describe the format and content of your lessons, the repertoire covered, and Leonhardt's aesthetic and philosophical approach to the instrument and its music. You may also upload various types of document related to Leonhardt’s teaching.
We welcome contributions from all Leonhardt students, including harpsichord students at the Conservatory in Amsterdam or other institutions, those who received private lessons or participated in masterclasses or summer courses, and those who studied other instruments or chamber music.

Leonhardt at home, Huis Bartolotti.
Some former students have described their lessons with Leonhardt in interviews, or appear in videos about their own teaching and music-making. These can be found HERE.
The Archive’s Facebook Page gives news and updates, and provides links to online recordings of performances by Leonhardt students who have published in the Archive.